A Successful Conference, New Album, and Upcoming Tours..

Last week we attended the Western Arts Alliance conference in Los Angeles. That's right: while most of our friends were prancing around the Nevada desert, pretending they're unicorns and pixies, we donned our fishnets and fedoras and went to rub elbows with many professionals throughout the Performing Arts Industry. The conference was successful beyond our wildest imaginations. We booked some amazing gigs and met some incredible people. About six months ago, we were selected by the WAA as 'Launchpad Artists', which gave us a scholarship, menorah up, and increased visibility at the conference. This was incredibly effective and we're so very grateful to be a part of this program. that great conference in the skyThis is a very exciting time for us. Our new album, 'Sum and Substance', is finished! We feel very strongly that it's our best, most mature work to date, and reflects how much we've grown as artists and as humans since releasing our last full length. We'll be updating our website, photos, and shooting a video to promote the release. New music heading your way soon!2017 will see new tour dates to some of favorite stomping grounds! We'll be returning to Montana for a show at The Ellen Theater in January, and will have tour dates in Arizona and Southern California (and likely Alaska) sometime after that. Thanks for reading and for following the wild roller coaster ride that defines our careers in music! Many fun things on the horizon. 

Monthly Residencies in the Bay Area

Hello Friends!This is a quick note to let you know we currently have 3 regular gigs each month in San Francisco and Oakland so you don't have to check your watch or your email or your calendar or even our website (though we still encourage that for all other shows, shenanigans, and sometimes just for the embarrassing pictures we post of ourselves).  We play the following places once a month and love returning each time to the fantastic staff and regulars we've come to love.  Come check out these great spots and see what we're talking about.With dependable regularity (until we get fired) we will be HERE:Every 2nd Wednesday of the month: Blondies Bar and No Grill (540 Valencia).  {Mission, SF}Every 2nd Friday of the month: Cafe Van Kleef (1621 Telegraph) {Downtown Oakland}Every 3rd Thursdays: Tupelo (1337 Grant) {North Beach, SF}In other news, we just returned from a 12 day tour through Montana, specifically Bozeman and then a few little towns on the high line--the little highway that parallels the Canadian border where impressively cold weather can occur.  We lucked out on the weather (and the car's life expectancy) and were met with the warmest welcomes from the nicest folks.  We were accompanied by our good friend, Jake Fleming, on sax.  Here are some shots from the road.IMG_8563IMG_8565IMG_8584IMG_8616IMG_8569IMG_8621IMG_8639IMG_8655IMG_8657

That's it from our end, for now.  We hope to see you down the line.

-Tumbledown House


Somebody Pinch Me..

Honestly, I must be dreaming. So many good things are happening right now and we're very excited to share them with you:More Alaskan shenanigans! That's right folks. We're headed back to that gorgeous desolate frontier for our 7th tour in the great state of Alaska. What can we say? It's just that good. So good in fact that we're bringing our friends, The Door Floor Band, along for the ride. Who is the Dirt Floor Band? I'm so glad you asked. Taken from their website: "Five Mendocino County, California dudes playing original barefoot-punk-grass; our own special blend of mutt music. Bluegrass. Electric funk jamming. Self-deprecating folk-country". They are super fun and great friends of ours. You're gonna dig it. Our Tour dates are listed below; for more info on the DFB, check out their Facebook page.In other news, we were recently contacted by the good folks at Stern Grove, one of the largest outdoor free concert series in San Francisco, and will be a part of their 'Grove on the Road' series next month. We're very excited to be working with these promoters and have put together a special 6 piece band for the event, which will be in Noe Valley on June 1st.Oh, and did we mention that the episode of 11th and Grant that we recorded last year for Montana PBS was nominated for 3 Regional Emmy Awards? Congrats to the amazing crew; your talent and hard work deserve this recognition. Wish we could be there to pop some corks with you.We're working feverishly on some new music and hope to have something for you soon. In the meantime, come check us out at one of our many shows around the Bay Area this Spring/Summer. We're working with some incredibly talented musicians and are bringing new instrumentation to our music! Hope to see you out there on that long dusty road. Cheers friends!Alaska Summer 2014Wed. 6/18 - Subzero Microlounge (duo). Anchorage. 8pm.Thurs 6/19 - Taproot. Full band featuring Corwyn Wilkey (trpt), Joe Eunice (bass), and Brandon Cockburn (drums). A jazz set opens the show at 9pm.Fri 6/20 - Denali Salmon Bake. Full band featuring Corwyn Wilkey (trpt), Joe Eunice (bass), and Brandon Cockburn (drums). 10pm.Sat 6/21 - Solstice Fest!! Full band featuring Corwyn Wilkey (trpt), Joe Eunice (bass), and Brandon Cockburn (drums). Time TBD.Sun 6/22 - The Fairview Inn. Talkeetna. Full band featuring Corwyn Wilkey (trpt), Joe Eunice (bass), and Brandon Cockburn (drums). 9pm.Wed 6/25 - Sackett's. Cooper Landing (duo). 9pm.Thurs 6/26 - The Kingfisher. Cooper Landing (duo) 8pm.Fri 6/27 - Kharacter's Bar. Homer. May be joined by a special guest or two. 10pm.Sat 6/28 - The Ninilchik Peddler. 6pm. (duo)Sat 6/28 - Kharacter's Bar. Homer. May be joined by a special guest or two. 10pm.Sun 6/29 - Possible show at AJ's in Homer. Still has yet to be confirmed.

11th and Grant with Eric Funk

We had a wonderful time celebrating the release of our show on Montana PBS.  Thanks again to everyone involved.  Here it is!  If you like what you see, and you're in Montana, we have a couple full band shows coming up in Bozeman, in December and January.Friday, December 27th: Copper Whiskey Bar and Grill (101 E. Main).  Speakeasy Party!  Come costumed and ready to dance.  9pmSaturday, January 4th: Cikan house concert.  The Cikans have been hosting intimate jazz concerts in their wonderful home for 16 years now.  It's a great way to see the whole band AND hear the stories behind the music.  Space is limited.  If you're interested in attending, please email us at info@tumbledownhouse.com for further details.We have a number of other Bozeman shows, as a duo.  Please check out our "tour dates" above. Cheers!